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北京瘙痒医院| 瘙痒患者都注意了!或许就是帕金森疾病的前兆

文章来源:北京华科医院 发布日期:2018-02-22



瘙痒或许是大脑相关疾病的早期征兆;近日,来自奥胡斯大学的研究人员对眼动睡眠行为障碍(RBD)患者进行了一项病例对照研究,深入研究了参与患者大脑免疫系统的细胞及大脑中产生多巴胺的神经细胞的相关行为,研究结果刊登在杂志The Lancet Neurology上。



Feb. 3, 2000 (Atlanta) -- Chronic sleep problems have again been closely linked with depression -- but this time in a study of older people published in a recent issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry. However, the broader picture may also include financial problems, social isolation, and physical ailments, says the study's author.

"We helped confirm what others have shown, but this time in an older age group," lead author Robert E. Roberts, PhD, a researcher with the University of Texas at Houston Health Science Center School of Public Health, tells WebMD. "But we also asked, 'How important are sleep problems relative to other kinds of problems in predicting depression?'"

The study of depression -- which involved over 2,700 men and women between 46 and 102 years of age -- is one of the few to involve older adults, and one of the very few to follow them over a period of time, Roberts says.

The study participants responded to a questionnaire listing 12 symptoms of depression as well as questions to measure sleep difficulties. Questions like, "How many close friends and relatives can you confide in? How many can you turn to for help?" measured feelings of isolation. "Is there enough money for clothes, to fill a prescription, to see a doctor, to pay the rent, to buy food?" helped assess financial strain. "Are there difficulties walking across the room? Bathing? Using the toilet?" gave researchers a sense of physical disabilities the participants felt.

The data showed a significant difference in sleep problems at various ages. While 27% of those between ages 50 and 59 suffered from sleep problems, after age 80, that number rose to 35%. There also was a significant association between sleep problems and subsequent depression a year later.

"Our results add to the growing literature on the role of sleep disturbance in the risk of developing depression," says Roberts. In the study, however, not everyone with depression had sleep disorders. "There are nine diagnostic criteria for a major episode of depression, and sleep is only one of those. Mood disturbances, trouble concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness were much stronger predictors of future depression -- at least in this group -- more so than sleep disorders."







